Negi, Rohit, and Prerna Srigyan. 2021. Atmosphere of Collaboration: Air Pollution Science, Politics and Ecopreneurship in Delhi. Routledge

peer-reviewed articles
Negi, Rohit, and Prerna Srigyan. 2021. Peopling Technoscience: Locating the Sciences and Publics of Air Pollution in Delhi. Dialogue: Science, Scientists and Society, Special Issue: Inquiring into Technoscience in India.

book chapters
Negi, Rohit, and Prerna Srigyan. 2021. In the Time of Toxic Air: Environmental Knowledges, Collaborations, and Justice in Delhi. In Nida Kirmani (Ed.), Marginalisation, Contestations and Change in South Asian Cities.Oxford University Press.

short form & multimedia
Jaramillo, Alejandro, and Prerna Srigyan. 2023. "When Busier is Not Better: An Interview with Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela". Supplementals, Fieldsights, March 23.

Fortun, Kim, Prerna Srigyan, Margaret Tebbe, and Nadine Tanio. 2023. "Teaching with Storylines that Call Students In". Ten Strands Blog, February 16.

Srigyan, Prerna. 2022. "Cascade Learning for Environmental Justice". EnviroSociety, June 22.

Srigyan, Prerna. 2022. "Mundane Fascism and Laboring Love: An Interview with Radhika Govindrajan". Supplementals, Fieldsights, February 1.

Srigyan, Prerna. 2021. "What are you reading?". ACM Interactions. Vol 28(5), pp. 10-11.

Srigyan, Prerna, Shahab Albahar, Marwa Bakabas, and Kaitlyn Rabach. 2021. "bodies in tension: reflecting on entangled geographies". you are here: the journal of creative geography.

Srigyan receives NSF award to study how political engagement shapes science educators, pedagogy. UC Irvine School of Social Sciences. October 19, 2022.